How To Check If A Float Is A Whole Number In Python 

Check if a float is a whole number in Python

To check if a float is a whole number in Python, you can use is_integer() method, isinstance() method and create your integer check function. Follow the article to better understand.

Check if a float is a whole number in Python

The float number is a data type in Python. Float Python is a number represented as a floating point real number. You can simply understand that the float Python or float number data type is numbers containing decimals after the dot.

Example: 10.1

Integer data types in Python include positive integers, negative integers, and zero. Integers that do not contain commas.

Example: 1, 2, -11

To check if a float is a whole number in Python, I have the following ways:

Use is_integer() method

The is_integer() is a built-in method of float data type, so you can use this method to check if any float number is an integer or not.




  • f is the float number you need to check if it is an integer.

The is_integer() method will return a boolean value.


  • Initialize two variables as decimal point number types.
  • The is_integer() function returns a Boolean value.
myFloat1 = 12.5

myFloat2 = 2.0



Use isinstance() method

The isinstance() method checks if a specified number is an integer. This method is also similar to the is_integer() method.


isinstance(object , classinfo)


  • object: the number you want to check.
  • classinfo: class, type, or tuple.

The isinstance() method will return True for the specified type and False in all other cases.


  • Initialize three variables 2 variables are decimals, the rest are integers.
  • The is_integer() function returns a Boolean value.
myFloat1 = 2.0
myFloat2 = 2.1
myFloat3 = 2

# The isinstance() function returns a Boolean value
print(isinstance(myFloat1, int))
print(isinstance(myFloat2, int))
print(isinstance(myFloat3, int))




The difference between isinstance() function and is_integer() function is that integers are written in decimal: the isinstance() function defaults to a float, and the is_integer() function gives it an integer. It would be best if you kept this in mind to use the methods accordingly.

That’s why myFloat1 = 2.0 returns False.

Create your integer check function

If you don’t use the built-in Python functions, you can write your function that can check if a float number is an integer using the math module.


import math

def checkNumber(numParam):   
    if math.ceil(numParam) != math.floor(numParam):
      print(numParam, " float")
      print(numParam, " integer")    



2.0  integer
3.34  float


If you don’t know how to check if a float is a whole number in Python, let leave a comment below. I will answer your questions. Thank you for reading!

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